Blogging is a critical part of content marketing and is a growing form of art, culture, life, and business. From professional bloggers to ‘just for fun’ bloggers, blogs are everywhere. They are a perfect way to educate, create awareness, share your creativity, and express your own voice. Blogs are perfect for businesses because they allow you to share your mental dexterity. Blogging can also serve the purpose of answering FAQ with in-depth education. Keep in mind, while doing all of this, you are also afforded the opportunity to leverage search engine optimization (SEO) and various content marketing strategies to boost your brand and your potential revenue. Why should I be blogging? Because you want to make more money!

Why Should I Blog?

Why Should I Be Blogging?

To keep this article short and educational, we want to focus on the statistics of what blogging will do for your business. We will post a future blog on how to strategize content for blogging but for now, we just want to educate you on why you should be doing it. Keep in mind we call our blogs “articles” because they are business focused but no matter what you call it, it will help your business, and your wallet, grow.

Cost Efficiency

Why should I be blogging? Cost efficiency, for one reason. Yes, we are saying that it is absolutely worth the time, efforts, and costs to blog or pay for a 3rd party to write your blogs. The statistics of inbound marketing prove the cost efficiency of blogging alone. 54% more leads are generated by inbound marketing vs traditionally paid outbound tactics. Published reports suggest that the cost of acquisition per lead will cost you double to acquire via outbound marketing than it will versus inbound. The average yearly savings companies have reported by investing more in inbound vs. outbound marketing is $20,000. Since blogging is an inbound marketing tactic, these few statistics alone suggest blogging is absolutely worth the cost and efforts to have good content focus blogs for your business. In the long run, you’re spending less to gain more.

It’s Trending

Why should I be blogging? Because everyone else is. While we are not fans of following trends just to do so, we are big fans of following trends that are trending because there’s clearly a positive pattern. There are 31% more bloggers today than there were in 2013 when we were founded. 46% of people report reading blogs more than once a day. That’s almost HALF and that’s MORE than 1x daily! 40% of all US companies use blogs for marketing purposes. These aren’t frivolous trends, these are trends based on profits.

Proof Is In the Profits

Why should I be blogging? We said it early, money. We’re all in business to make money or raise money, or something of the sort. Statistics prove time and time again that blogging leads to profits. 84% of inbound marketers cite blogging SEO, and Social Media as rising in importance, compared to 9% of outbound marketers. 82% of marketers who blog daily acquire a customer using their blog. 57% of marketers who blog monthly have reported blogs as a source of customer acquisition. Both numbers are wildly impressive! A whopping 79% of companies that have a blog report a positive ROI for inbound marketing.


While we know to profit and close rates are more important than the volume of leads, the quality of leads you get will be based on the content of your blogs. Websites with blogs have on average 434% more indexed pages which mean folks will find you through a search engine easier. B2B marketers that use blogs get 67% more leads than those that do not. Inbound marketing leads from SEO / SEM have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mailings, email marketing, print advertising, or cold calling) have a 1.7% close rate. Companies who blog are receiving on average 97% more links to their website boosting brand awareness, traffic, and SEM results. By focusing on generating more leads and strategizing your closing strategies to them, you can boost your revenue and profit margins.

Why should I blog?

By the end of 2018, there were over 500 million blogs on the internet

In conclusion, we think these short and simple explanations should be enough to answer the question of “why should I be blogging?” If you enjoyed this read, you may also find The Benefits of SEO to be very helpful. If you need a complimentary blog review, let us know and we’ll be happy to take a look. If you need some help blogging, our average rates are $500 per blog, including organic SEO. If you are a web developer, we offer whiteboard discounts so you can offer your clients blogging and content marketing. Websites that release blogs twice weekly average 2,500 more hits per month on their website. If you haven’t ever discussed creating a blogging strategy, today is a great day to start that discussion.

Thanks for reading!